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ISCS version 0.1.1

Upgrading to Version 0.0.6

If upgrading from an ISCS version prior to 0.0.5, one must first perform the database update described in the 0.0.5 upgrade instructions before executing the below instructions.

Version 0.0.6 introduces a major change to the database naming convention and the file systems on the DBD and the SPM to enable the new feature of managing multiple DBDs from a single SPM. Previous versions hard-coded the database name to "spm". Version 0.0.6 allows the use of several different databases. Each database has a unique name prefaced by "spm_". The default database is named "spm_spm". Although the ISCS goal is to be database agnostic, it currently only supports MySQL; thus the following instructions are MySQL specific.

Database Changes

The first step of migrating is to rename the database. To do this, first dump the existing data to a file, e.g.,

mysqldump -u <username> -h <hostname> -p spm > ~/spmdata.sql

The next optional step is to delete the old database. This is not required and one may wish to not do so for backup purposes unless one needs to recover the disk space:

mysql -u <username> -h <hostname> -p -e "drop database spm"

One next creates the new database. Each installation should have a default database named spm_spm. If you would like to use a different name for your existing database, please follow the DBD installation instructions to create the default spm_spm database first. Then follow the instructions below substituting the new name for your database for the last spm, e.g., use spm_MyDB instead of spm_spm. The custom named database will show up in the database list as "MyDB".

Depending on your database server configuration, you may need to grant permissions for your SPM user to access the new database. See the DBD installation instructions for instructions on doing so if it is necessary.

Create the new database:

mysql -u <username> -h <hostname> -p -e "create database spm_spm"

Now restore the data:

mysql -u <username> -h <hostname> -p spm_spm < ~/spmdata.sql

Version 0.0.6 adds several PEP models to the database. To add them, apply the DBDUpgradeTo-0.0.6.sql file against each of databases, e.g., mysql -u <username> -h <hostname> -p spm_spm < DBDUpgradeTo-0.0.6.sql

File System Changes

Next, make the file system changes on both the DBD and the SPM. The old DBD directory structure was:



The new DBD directory structure is:







Create the /usr/local/SPM/Database directory as per the DBD installation instructions. Create the /usr/local/SPM/spm_spm directory and grant it permissions as per the DBD installation instructions. Copy or move the data, dbversion and PEPfiles to the spm_spm directory.

The same principles about choosing a name other than spm_spm apply to the file system as to the database. If you would like to use your own name for the DBD name, substitute it for the last spm, i.e., spm_spm becomes spm_MyDB. The directory name MUST be the same as the database name including the prefix. One must still create the default spm_spm file system as per the DBD installation instructions. In this case, the directory structure would be:











The old SPM directory structure was:






The new SPM directory structure is:









Create the spm_spm directory with appropriate permissions as per the SPM installation instructions and move or copy the data, dbversion and PEPfiles to it. Again, a different database name may be chosen as described above.

The upgrade is now complete and ready for use.

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